Improve your programming skills. Sharpen your tools. Expand your Armoury

Improve your programming skills. Sharpen your tools. Expand your Armoury

No matter if you are an experience programmer or a beginner… you need to keep on sharpening your weapons.  New trends and technologies come to the fore each day and you need to keep up with it. Or else you will be left behind to endure the pain of seeing your counterparts winning the race. Let’s look at the things that you should do.

Practice, Practice and Practice

The golden rule for success – “Practice makes you perfect”. Yes… you need to play with it as long as you are confident enough with the platform you work. Throw complacency out of the window. Try to do things differently each time, which will help you to find a better way.

Explore the Horizon

Strive to be good in your platform of choice. Let it be PHP, Python, Java, Android or any among the countless number of programming languages under the sky. Be updated in the new technological advancements in your domain. Make it your fortress. Stand firm on your platform all the while trying to learn new things. Learn new technologies. Step out of your comfort zone. Be the best. The future is yours.

Learn by Sharing

Talk to your counterparts. It will help you a lot. Tons of theoretical knowledge may not help you always. But the experience or the guidance by the experienced hands might. Remember, when you hit a roadblock, you might not be first person in the world to face it. Your fellow counterparts could have been already there. Their experiences might come handy. Ask them. Learn from them. Share with them.


As the saying goes “There are no shortcuts to success”. It will take a lot of time and efforts to become a good programmer and to be an expert. Progress step by step. Try to acquire even the little things. Every bit matters. And no matter what, one day you will reach there.

A word to the beginners!! Think and pick a perfect platform for you. Of course it must relate to your skills. Once you choose one, look for training programmes and learn it methodically and implement it.


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